2024 Spring Update

This is our first time participating in I Live Here I Give Here and Amplify Austin!

Amplify Austin Day is right around the corner. During the biggest giving event in Central Texas, residents from across our community will come together to support hundreds of local nonprofits for 24 hours, starting at 6pm on March 6 through 6pm on March 7.
This year our goal is to raise $15,000 with the help of 200 donors. These valuable funds will help us jump start our new efforts as a newly formed 501(c)(3) organization as well as support our upcoming programs which to include but are not limited to Drew Silverman’s Gorinto on May 2 – 4 at Ground Floor Theatre, and the New Media Art and Sound Summit taking place around October 31st at Ground Floor Theatre.

So how can you help? Make a donation to us at AmplifyATX.org and then share the news with all of your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors.

Amplify Austin Day is all about collective community giving. Every gift will bring us one step closer to reaching this year’s big goal and help make a huge impact on our community.

Why is this important for us to make this effort now? 

Since 2003, COTFG has always maintained a focus on diversity (genre, DEI, interdisciplinary collaboration) and we have also helped many other organizations get off the ground. We have fostered collaboration among artists who would not have otherwise met and provided quality performances to audiences at very low cost.

For the first 13 years of our existence, our admin and production work was 100% volunteer based. In past decade we have endeavored to be able to compensate our staff to continue to do this valuable work in a sustainable manner.

This is our first year as our own non-profit organization which comes with much additional admin, costs. There are matching benefits from Amplify Austin and other companies per donation of each individual and many bonuses for us if you donate early!

Click here to donate to us!

Check out our helpful instructional video if you need guidance navigating the website.