Join instructor Juan Cisneros in an informal introductory course into the methods and theory of sound-based art practice using free and low cost software.
The class will cover history of the development of sound art as a practice and will be focused on several exercises for creating work and exploring processes relevant to student’s interest. Sessions 1-3 will focus on field recording, audio manipulation, deep listening, and music concrete. Sessions 3-6 will focus more on working with freeware music tech, synthesis, expanded composition concepts, and working with MIDI.
The class is free but an RSVP is required. Space is limited so sign up soon.
Sign up for Sessions 1-3 July 2nd, 9th, and 16th
Sign up for Sessions 4-6 July 30th, August 7th, and 14th.
All that’s required is a laptop and headphones. If your laptop turns on and can connect to the internet, it’s good to go for this course!
Juan is a practicing artist, musician, and educator with 20 years of experience working with experimental music, video, and media-based art. He has worked with Christine Sun Kim, Hyperreal Film Club, Totally Wreck production institute, and performed and exhibited with NMASS festival, Mass Gallery, Big Medium, and Space 1026.